Less is More with Blake Smith

Do you have hundreds of clothes in your closet, don’t use most of them, and still unable to find a daily outfit?  Well, there’s good news, Cladwell has a solution to end this problem, with aspirations to make a big dent in our consumerism culture. But first, Founder & CEO Blake Smith walks us through his path leading up to creating this business. From early responsibilities stepping in as a youth leader at his church to then making money with money as a finance professional and finally creating new partnerships with an entertainment company flexing sales and marketing skills, Blake experienced business through multiple perspectives. When the time aligned, he was prepared to enter into the growth of his own venture. Cladwell’s mission is to empower men and women to find the right clothes to be ready for anything. To fight fear and help people live confidently. Blake is a man of self-freedom and justice who lives out these values with his family and his work at Cladwell, truly a Disciple of Christ.  

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